ASSOBOM (humanitarian Association known as: Association Oyili Bot Main dans la Main)

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sub sahara region, All over Cameroon (Africa), Cameroon
Association Oyili Bot Hand in Hand or Association Oyili Bot Main dans la Main abbreviated as ASSOBOM is a registered humanitarian association based in Cameroon-AFRICA

Monday, June 8, 2009

latest from Mercy league Cameroon (mises à jour)

The board meeting of MELCA was held on saturday 6 june 2009 and the General Assembly the next day as from 3 PM:
-adoption of a 2 years framework. MELCA will be working with the existing associations and non governmental organisation dealing with children(0-12), youths (13-25) ,elderly people(60-120) and other marginalised groups.So MELCA will strive to help them meet their needs.
-The given associations and NGO's will be identified and their needs listed.
-people registered and paid their contributions.
-Next meeting has been scheduled for sunday 5 july 2009 as from 2PM
Members are advised to advertise the vision of MELCA around and get people registered . A team from the USA will come sometimes in the near future to visit the work of MELCA.
If you have some money or else to contribute feel free to contact the treasurer (Ayissi Roger) by phone at (237) 75 32 38 56 or get in touch with the Director dialling (237) 99 20 69 61
The Director of MELCA