ASSOBOM (humanitarian Association known as: Association Oyili Bot Main dans la Main)

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sub sahara region, All over Cameroon (Africa), Cameroon
Association Oyili Bot Hand in Hand or Association Oyili Bot Main dans la Main abbreviated as ASSOBOM is a registered humanitarian association based in Cameroon-AFRICA

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Updates from Mercy League Cameroon.(mise à jour)

Dear members and visitors,

After the receiving a letter from the government of Cameroon requiring the denomination and some objectives of our organisation to be reviewed, a lot has been done.Last august 9, 2009 we held a monthly board meeting as usual (the second sunday of each month). we gathered all the papers and 11 board members confirmed to their posts.The next day we deposited the application for the status after certifying some documents and paying some fees.
Our organisation is a a faith based non profil humanitarian organisation known as "ASSOCIATION OYILI BOT MAIN DANS LA MAIN".
OYILI BOT is from a local mother tongue meaning people's convention and MAIN DANS LA MAIN standing for hand in hand.
Our goals are to put together our means to reach grassroot people with sustainable solutions.Our main concern is with children,women, orphans, disables, youth and elderly people having their lives embetter for a hopeful future.
we want to help with food ,education, health care, training and other issues.
NEXT MEETING SEPTEMBER 13 , 2009 as from 3PM at mvan 1er échangeur.
Is also good to know that we have the agreement of Mercy League international to proceed with our work and that by the end of this year we might be sanctionned as entity or partner of Mercy league Interenational.
The founding president
Hervé Serge Amoa

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