ASSOBOM is an expanding humanitarian group based in sub-saharan Africa (Cameroon) . Registration N° 001342/RDA/JO6/BAPP of 25 August 2009 .The board has 11 members volunteering their time, material and means to help grassroot people with sustainable solutions in the developing world. Contact the founder president AMOA HERVE SERGE email: phone: 00(237) 6 99 20 69 61
ASSOBOM (humanitarian Association known as: Association Oyili Bot Main dans la Main)
- sub sahara region, All over Cameroon (Africa), Cameroon
- Association Oyili Bot Hand in Hand or Association Oyili Bot Main dans la Main abbreviated as ASSOBOM is a registered humanitarian association based in Cameroon-AFRICA
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Dear members,friends and visitors,
we are almost at the end of the year and ASSOBOM has a huge agenda ahead.
On the Agenda:
-Board meeting in november 15,2009
-Donations to an orphanage in the town of Mbalmayo( SOS village d'enfants du cameroun): clothes, toys, food etc.
-End of year celebrations for ASSOBOM: opportunity to invite people to join our efforts.
Dear members,friends and visitors, if you want to help us achieve our goals by the end of this year or beyond, please email the founding President of ASSOBOM at or call 00 237 99 20 69 61 for more information or check us online at
Prayers will also be deeply appreciated as we proceed since we believe that if God does not build, we labour in vain.
Hervé Serge Amoa
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Email confirmation
Dear sir/Madam
the following addresses are no longer valid: and .Unidentified people are using those emails without the approval of the founder president of ASSOBOM.The new email is now:
thank you for considering my warning;
Hervé Serge Amoa
the following addresses are no longer valid: and .Unidentified people are using those emails without the approval of the founder president of ASSOBOM.The new email is now:
thank you for considering my warning;
Hervé Serge Amoa
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Updates as from last Board meeting of ASSOBOM held on september 13,2009
Dear members, friends and visitors,
ASSOBOM held its last meeting on september 13, 2009 as from 3 Pm with those who came.In the agenda: update members, collect contributions (yet to come) and work on activities to be carried out by the end of 2010.
ASSOBOM will reinforce the capacities for a start of existing organisations dealing with orphans, widows, handicapped and other grassroots people and issues.
Field trips were made to visit some of these groups such as SOS Village d'enfants Cameroun (hosting more than 100 orphans regrouped in families of 10 led by a foster mother an an auntie), CAMNAFAW (family welfare, reproductive health care etc.) and APOCAM (and association of guidance counsellors involved with integral advisal).
We intend to back their efforts and go beyond as our means permit.In Mbalmayo where SOS Village d'enfants du cameroun is located we'll organise feeding programs for orphans living in the orphanage and outside, provide food, clothing and medication as well as some intertaining items like balls, toys etc.
At this point we are awaiting a visit ccalendar from Mercy League international.
Our vision is big and our means are narrow ,so any support is welcomed. We'll also greatly appreciate your prayers.If you have something to contribute to help us bring hope please contact us at or
Next meeting next october 11 as from 3 Pm at Mvan ,1er échangeur.
Hervé Serge Amoa
founding president of ASSOBOM
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Next Board Meeting and agenda ( prochaine réunion du bureau et ordre du jour)
The next board meeting of ASSOBOM will be held next september 13,2009 as from 3 PM.
agenda: updates , elaboration of projects and quest for potential partners to fulfil our vision aiming the health, education, social and environment sectors in the developing world-Africa-Cameroon.
agenda: updates , elaboration of projects and quest for potential partners to fulfil our vision aiming the health, education, social and environment sectors in the developing world-Africa-Cameroon.
Memorandum receipt of association/ Récépissé de Déclaration d'association
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Updates from Mercy League Cameroon.(mise à jour)
Dear members and visitors,
After the receiving a letter from the government of Cameroon requiring the denomination and some objectives of our organisation to be reviewed, a lot has been done.Last august 9, 2009 we held a monthly board meeting as usual (the second sunday of each month). we gathered all the papers and 11 board members confirmed to their posts.The next day we deposited the application for the status after certifying some documents and paying some fees.
Our organisation is a a faith based non profil humanitarian organisation known as "ASSOCIATION OYILI BOT MAIN DANS LA MAIN".
OYILI BOT is from a local mother tongue meaning people's convention and MAIN DANS LA MAIN standing for hand in hand.
Our goals are to put together our means to reach grassroot people with sustainable solutions.Our main concern is with children,women, orphans, disables, youth and elderly people having their lives embetter for a hopeful future.
we want to help with food ,education, health care, training and other issues.
NEXT MEETING SEPTEMBER 13 , 2009 as from 3PM at mvan 1er échangeur.
Is also good to know that we have the agreement of Mercy League international to proceed with our work and that by the end of this year we might be sanctionned as entity or partner of Mercy league Interenational.
The founding president
Hervé Serge Amoa
Saturday, July 11, 2009
letter from the government of Cameroon
Updates from the group.
Dear members and visitors,
We held a monthly board meeting as usual last sunday july 5, 2009 .Members were updated about our activities. Next meeting August 9,2009.
Our group is yet to be a Mercy League International Affiliate.We need to set an association which meets their requirements:
-start a group and consolidate members
-affiliate the group to a church
-and incorporate the association
So far the Government has required us to start as an association (not as a non governmental organisation: NGO) and change our denomination as well as some of our objectives.
Members are required to attend meetings and pray for the group.
the administrator of the cause
hervé serge Amoa
We held a monthly board meeting as usual last sunday july 5, 2009 .Members were updated about our activities. Next meeting August 9,2009.
Our group is yet to be a Mercy League International Affiliate.We need to set an association which meets their requirements:
-start a group and consolidate members
-affiliate the group to a church
-and incorporate the association
So far the Government has required us to start as an association (not as a non governmental organisation: NGO) and change our denomination as well as some of our objectives.
Members are required to attend meetings and pray for the group.
the administrator of the cause
hervé serge Amoa
Monday, June 8, 2009
latest from Mercy league Cameroon (mises à jour)
The board meeting of MELCA was held on saturday 6 june 2009 and the General Assembly the next day as from 3 PM:
-adoption of a 2 years framework. MELCA will be working with the existing associations and non governmental organisation dealing with children(0-12), youths (13-25) ,elderly people(60-120) and other marginalised groups.So MELCA will strive to help them meet their needs.
-The given associations and NGO's will be identified and their needs listed.
-people registered and paid their contributions.
-Next meeting has been scheduled for sunday 5 july 2009 as from 2PM
Members are advised to advertise the vision of MELCA around and get people registered . A team from the USA will come sometimes in the near future to visit the work of MELCA.
If you have some money or else to contribute feel free to contact the treasurer (Ayissi Roger) by phone at (237) 75 32 38 56 or get in touch with the Director dialling (237) 99 20 69 61
The Director of MELCA
-adoption of a 2 years framework. MELCA will be working with the existing associations and non governmental organisation dealing with children(0-12), youths (13-25) ,elderly people(60-120) and other marginalised groups.So MELCA will strive to help them meet their needs.
-The given associations and NGO's will be identified and their needs listed.
-people registered and paid their contributions.
-Next meeting has been scheduled for sunday 5 july 2009 as from 2PM
Members are advised to advertise the vision of MELCA around and get people registered . A team from the USA will come sometimes in the near future to visit the work of MELCA.
If you have some money or else to contribute feel free to contact the treasurer (Ayissi Roger) by phone at (237) 75 32 38 56 or get in touch with the Director dialling (237) 99 20 69 61
The Director of MELCA
Thursday, May 7, 2009
One big step for Mercy League Cameroon...
Dear Members and visitors;
Melca held a meeting last sunday May 3.Members were explained the vision of Melca and some registered.We decided to start the incorporation process the next day.
Next board meeting june 6,2009 and june 7; 2009 at 3 pm for the general assembly.
All members and else are encouraged to donate ;advertise the cause around and invite people to join.We'll also be grateful if you could pray for the vision.
the Director of MELCA
prochaines réunion de MELCA
le samedi 6 juin 2009 reunion des membres du bureau seulement dès 15 heures
le dimanche 7 juin 2009 réunion en assemblée générale dès 15 heures
Melca held a meeting last sunday May 3.Members were explained the vision of Melca and some registered.We decided to start the incorporation process the next day.
Next board meeting june 6,2009 and june 7; 2009 at 3 pm for the general assembly.
All members and else are encouraged to donate ;advertise the cause around and invite people to join.We'll also be grateful if you could pray for the vision.
the Director of MELCA
prochaines réunion de MELCA
le samedi 6 juin 2009 reunion des membres du bureau seulement dès 15 heures
le dimanche 7 juin 2009 réunion en assemblée générale dès 15 heures
Friday, May 1, 2009
UNICEF reports in CAMEROON...
Thursday, April 30, 2009
upcoming meeting(prochaine reunion) of MERCY LEAGUE CAMEROON
Dear members and visitors,
the next general assembly meeting of MELCA has been scheduled for this sunday May 3,2009 as from 3PM at the premises of the president at MVAN 1er Echangeur.
looking forward to welcoming you
The Director of MELCA
Assemblée Générale de MELCA ce dimanche 3 Mai 2009 à partir de 15 heures au domicile du Directeur de MELCA sis à Mvan 1er Echangeur.Merci d'apporter chacun une photocopie de votre carte nationale d'identité.
A bientôt
Le Directeur de MELCA
tel 00 237 99 20 69 61
the next general assembly meeting of MELCA has been scheduled for this sunday May 3,2009 as from 3PM at the premises of the president at MVAN 1er Echangeur.
looking forward to welcoming you
The Director of MELCA
Assemblée Générale de MELCA ce dimanche 3 Mai 2009 à partir de 15 heures au domicile du Directeur de MELCA sis à Mvan 1er Echangeur.Merci d'apporter chacun une photocopie de votre carte nationale d'identité.
A bientôt
Le Directeur de MELCA
tel 00 237 99 20 69 61
Monday, April 6, 2009
Members of the board(Membres du bureau) of MELCA and the rest of members
During the working session...
Sunday, April 5, 2009
updates (mises à jour) from MELCA-Mercy League Cameroon Association)
This sunday April 5,2009 has been held a board meeting of MELCA (Mercy League Cameroon Association) as from 3PM at the premises of the founding Director Mr. Amoa hervé Serge in yaoundé.
Fourteen(14) people attended and the texts(statutes and internal regulation) have been reviewed and adopted by all attending members.A board has been elected as follows:
-founding Director: Mr Amoa hervé serge
-secretary general: Miss Tomo Marthe
-president(chairman): Mr Okéné Richard
-vice-chairman: Mr Abomo Yannick bertrand
-secretary general: Miss NGo nyeheh marie claire
-Treasurer: Mr Ayissi Ondobo Roger guy
-2 external auditors: Miss Bih catherine Atanga & Mr Biwono hugues clément
-Advisor: Mr Mengosso Ondobo Bernard
-charged of public relations: Miss Amina Bano Garga
Pictures have been taken and will be available as soon as possible.People have started paying their registrations and the next meeting has been scheduled for May 3,2009 for completion of registrations.
Meantime, the incorporation procedures will start.
We did contact the international fellowship church and provided them with relevent information for them to examin and decide on a possiblity of starting a missions organisation within their church and how they can possibly help.
The Director of MELCA
Fourteen(14) people attended and the texts(statutes and internal regulation) have been reviewed and adopted by all attending members.A board has been elected as follows:
-founding Director: Mr Amoa hervé serge
-secretary general: Miss Tomo Marthe
-president(chairman): Mr Okéné Richard
-vice-chairman: Mr Abomo Yannick bertrand
-secretary general: Miss NGo nyeheh marie claire
-Treasurer: Mr Ayissi Ondobo Roger guy
-2 external auditors: Miss Bih catherine Atanga & Mr Biwono hugues clément
-Advisor: Mr Mengosso Ondobo Bernard
-charged of public relations: Miss Amina Bano Garga
Pictures have been taken and will be available as soon as possible.People have started paying their registrations and the next meeting has been scheduled for May 3,2009 for completion of registrations.
Meantime, the incorporation procedures will start.
We did contact the international fellowship church and provided them with relevent information for them to examin and decide on a possiblity of starting a missions organisation within their church and how they can possibly help.
The Director of MELCA
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Updates(mises à jour) from MELCA
MELCA is ,as a reminder the cameroon division of Mercy League International(MLI) Lead by Shane Mattenley.MLI is present in six countries including cameroon, canada and the united states of America.
yet a young division but already active.What are we doing now?
-we have adopted the mission statement and vision of MLI and adapted it to the cameroonian context.this far ,the texts(statutes and internal regulation are available) have been typed by a volunteer secretary(Marthe) and saved in a flash disk.Once a receive it, i will have it printed and translated from french to English
-A board meeting will be held on April 5, 2009 (agenda later on)
-we are already helping people around us with food,medical care and clothing.
-there are expenditures we have to cope with/monthly web connection u$ 50, about u$ 50 for each board meeting for refresment and transportation for some...
Since the division is still young we encourage people to support us materially and financially.If you want to donate for this humanitarian cause to go on please report tothe bottom of the blog page for more.
thanks once more for your support and blessings
Let's bring hope to the hopeless
the administrator of the cause
Hervé Serge Amoa
yet a young division but already active.What are we doing now?
-we have adopted the mission statement and vision of MLI and adapted it to the cameroonian context.this far ,the texts(statutes and internal regulation are available) have been typed by a volunteer secretary(Marthe) and saved in a flash disk.Once a receive it, i will have it printed and translated from french to English
-A board meeting will be held on April 5, 2009 (agenda later on)
-we are already helping people around us with food,medical care and clothing.
-there are expenditures we have to cope with/monthly web connection u$ 50, about u$ 50 for each board meeting for refresment and transportation for some...
Since the division is still young we encourage people to support us materially and financially.If you want to donate for this humanitarian cause to go on please report tothe bottom of the blog page for more.
thanks once more for your support and blessings
Let's bring hope to the hopeless
the administrator of the cause
Hervé Serge Amoa
Updates(mises à jour) from MELCA
MELCA is ,as a reminder a division a the cameroon division of Mercy League International Lead by Shane Mattenley.
Monday, March 16, 2009
A couple of words on Mercy League Cameroon Association and how to make donations
Dear members and visitors,
Mercy League cameroon organisation(MLCO) is a humanitarian organisation
aiming at helping people in the developing countries.The main objective is the holistique approach and economic ingenuity.we also partner with individuals,groups as well as specific sectors :health,education and the environment.
how can you help the organisation?
-you can register to the cause as member or invite people to join and register
-you can make donations either by Western union or money order
1-transfers through western union
send the money to Amoa Hervé Serge po box 5163 yaoundé/Nlongkak-CAMEROON
once you send the money email references :( control code,secret question and answer,amount send;country of transfer and your full name) to or call 00 237 99 20 69 61
2- transfers through money order
send a money order payable to Amoa Hervé Serge po box 5163 yaoundé/Nlongkak-CAMEROON
Mercy League Cameroon Organisation is a branch of Mercy League International Organisation administered by Shane Mattenley.
The administrator of MELCA
Mercy League cameroon organisation(MLCO) is a humanitarian organisation
aiming at helping people in the developing countries.The main objective is the holistique approach and economic ingenuity.we also partner with individuals,groups as well as specific sectors :health,education and the environment.
how can you help the organisation?
-you can register to the cause as member or invite people to join and register
-you can make donations either by Western union or money order
1-transfers through western union
send the money to Amoa Hervé Serge po box 5163 yaoundé/Nlongkak-CAMEROON
once you send the money email references :( control code,secret question and answer,amount send;country of transfer and your full name) to or call 00 237 99 20 69 61
2- transfers through money order
send a money order payable to Amoa Hervé Serge po box 5163 yaoundé/Nlongkak-CAMEROON
Mercy League Cameroon Organisation is a branch of Mercy League International Organisation administered by Shane Mattenley.
The administrator of MELCA
Friday, March 13, 2009
MELCA (Mercy League Cameroon Association) est une Association humanitaire mise sur pied avec la collaboration de volontaires camerounais.Elle est en partenariat avec une organisation humanitaire internationale basée aux Etats -Unis. Veuillez contacter l'administrateur à l' adresse électronique ou par téléphone au 00(237) 99 20 69 61
Pour l'essentiel, les statuts et règlement Intérieur de l'organisation sont en cours de finalisation pour être adopté par une assemblée Générale.La procédure de légalisation suivra mais le travaille effectif a dejà débuter à savoir:
-la recherche de partenaires
-l'acquisition d'une connection internet
-l'identification des de zones et des groupes ciblés( orphelins,veuves,enfants abandonnés etc.)
Nous vous tiendrons informé sur nos actions sur le terrain
the administrator
Pour l'essentiel, les statuts et règlement Intérieur de l'organisation sont en cours de finalisation pour être adopté par une assemblée Générale.La procédure de légalisation suivra mais le travaille effectif a dejà débuter à savoir:
-la recherche de partenaires
-l'acquisition d'une connection internet
-l'identification des de zones et des groupes ciblés( orphelins,veuves,enfants abandonnés etc.)
Nous vous tiendrons informé sur nos actions sur le terrain
the administrator
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