Dear members, friends and visitors,
Every term we hold general assemblies aside our monthly board meetings for updates and to take important decisions regarding how we should carry on our humanitarian activities.
This sunday,20th June 2010 was a special one in the sense that Pastors and church leaders were introduced to the assembly.In addition, pastors jean Gerard Ayangma and Timothé Calice Essama were integrated in the board of ASSOBOM.
About 20 people answered to our invitations.We emailed invitations to some butmost of them did not come so next time we'll rather call them or send them sms since very few have web access.
Pastor Jean Gerard Ayagma prayed for the upening after i had read the agenda.After i welcomed guests and members.I shared to them the genesis os ASSOBOM (Association Oyili Bot Main dans la Main) as well as its humanitarian vision and had to introduce the members of the board.
Then it was to the Excecutive president (Mr. Okéné richard) to make a report of our activities (affiliation to the pentecostal church, letter of encouragement from the director Mercy League International, our registration with the government of cameroon among others) and give the perspecives ( potential visit of Mercy League International to Cameroon as well as shows to be performed by the Storm Generation led by the Outlaw Poet Ron Whitehead from the USA in Cameroon with home musicians...)
A report of finances by the Treasurer followed.After electing pastor Jean Gerard Ayangma to the position of 1st financial auditor and pastor timothé Calice Essama as vice secretary, Reverend Ayangma preached to participants about the happiness we get in giving than receiving in the the light of scriptures from the Bosks of Proverbs 11:24 and 1 john 3:16 .People were deeply touched and some registered with ASSOBOM.
We took photos and finaly had some refreshment and food offered by the church.
Together we can make a difference in the developing world and especially in Cameroon (Africa)
The founder president
Hervé Serge Amoa