ASSOBOM is an expanding humanitarian group based in sub-saharan Africa (Cameroon) . Registration N° 001342/RDA/JO6/BAPP of 25 August 2009 .The board has 11 members volunteering their time, material and means to help grassroot people with sustainable solutions in the developing world. Contact the founder president AMOA HERVE SERGE email: phone: 00(237) 6 99 20 69 61
ASSOBOM (humanitarian Association known as: Association Oyili Bot Main dans la Main)
- sub sahara region, All over Cameroon (Africa), Cameroon
- Association Oyili Bot Hand in Hand or Association Oyili Bot Main dans la Main abbreviated as ASSOBOM is a registered humanitarian association based in Cameroon-AFRICA
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Dear friends and members of ASSOBOM,
It has been a while since you last heard from us. The Lord has been working things out for this humanitarian group and especially its founder (myself).
About my life, I’m a 34 years old Cameroonian from a catholic family and the elder of seven children. I managed to attend an education and now I have a bachelor’s degree in private law. I’ve volunteered with missionaries from North America for years. Now, I teach English part time as a second language in a private high school (from September to May).I’m living with Carine and a father of a 2 months old daughter named (Danielle Grace).Early this month I was baptised by Reverend Pastor Jean Gérard Ayangma of the Christian Pentecostal church of Cameroon.Since about a month now, I attend regularly that church to nurture my faith.
As far as ASSOBOM’s work is concerned. ASSOBOM registered with the government of Cameroon last year as and association (Registration N°001342/RDA/JO6/BAPP of August 25th 2009) and as the Lord provides become an NGO (Non Governmental Organisation).Since the beginning of 2010, the group has been praying for the leadership of God. About 2 months ago, i met Reverend pastor Ayangma and he agreed with the vision of ASSOBOM (joining people together to help orphans, widows and people in distress James 1:27).Since then, i have been working with the administrator of the church on a convention between ASSOBOM and the Christian Pentecostal Church.We plan once the convention signed sometimes this month (God willing) to reorganise the board to allow pastors and even westerners to join the board. From then set new plans of action to reach people in distress (We want the Lord to build this cause).We are also working on a logo and stamp for ASSOBOM (the stamp is now available).The church has been helping me to support part of the costs.
I would like to praise the Lord for what he has been doing for ASSOBOM and in my life. This cause would not have reached this far without you dear friends and members. I would like to thank especially, the Director of Mercy League International (Shane Mattenley) for his prayers, support and suggestions. My gratitude goes also to Jamie Wurm (CANADA) who believed in ASSOBOM from the very start and supported. I would like also to thank all of you who have been part of this mission. May the Lord bless you all .
ASSOBOM faces some problems too. The church hosting ASSOBOM is a growing one and is renting the plot of land where they are based here in yaounde and other costs to meet with. So we don’t have all the support we need so far. Plus we need the leadership of the Lord to know what do to and where to go.
We would be grateful if you could pray for ASSOBOM as we proceed .Especially for board members for leadership and provision/
Hervé Serge Amoa
Founder president of ASSOBOM (email: and phone 00(237) 99 20 69 61
Contacts of ASSOBOM
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