Reports from Gregory Brady’s missionary visit to Cameroon
Dear friends visitors and members of ASSOBOM,
While hoping you are well as well as your families, I wanted to update you on Gregory Brady’s missionary trip to Cameroon (Canadian).
Gregory Brady was welcomed and received by ASSOBOM in Douala on November 13th 2010. A day later we drove him to the airport where he had to meet with GVI for his scientific trip.
On Saturday 11th December, he came to yaounde from Buea accompanied by a young black man.We collected them from MUSSANGO voyage to our compound where they had some food and refreshment before heading for Hotel Safari where I booked a room for two nights (he paid me back for that charge us$ 70). The next day, we went to church where he was welcomed and had to share with the church for about 20 minutes. We had communion that Sunday. After we had a meeting with the church leaders who asked him about his mission and his expectations from the church. Brady said he was only there on behalf of Mercy League International.Then we had a cocktail at the pastor’s house.Later on a general assembly with ASSOBOM and members. He could see and met with the board members and the rest of members. He gave us many suggestions. He suggested us to narrow our goals and set a plan (we did it a submitted a plan to him the next day which he appreciated an kept). He suggested us to gather the support from other churches because the actual Pentecostal affiliated with ASSOBOM now is a small church with its own burdens too.We also discussed about the commitment of members.He could visit my residence as well as my daughter and fiancée. He gave her us $ 50 and another us $50 to jacky (she helped cook for food and led prayers during his sojourn with us).
Brady left yaounde on Monday 13th December 2010 by bus (BUCCAVOYAGE) around 2pm after visiting a nearby orphanage for Douala where he had to meet with his son before heading to South Africa.
My impression about Gregory Brady is that, he is a very down to earth person. He is hardworking with experience on charity work.His French is understandable and he is committed to help in Haiti (School etc). Brady is a faithful Christian and could testify of the works of God in his life.
The founder
Hervé Serge Amoa