ASSOBOM (humanitarian Association known as: Association Oyili Bot Main dans la Main)

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sub sahara region, All over Cameroon (Africa), Cameroon
Association Oyili Bot Hand in Hand or Association Oyili Bot Main dans la Main abbreviated as ASSOBOM is a registered humanitarian association based in Cameroon-AFRICA

Thursday, May 7, 2009

One big step for Mercy League Cameroon...

Dear Members and visitors;
Melca held a meeting last sunday May 3.Members were explained the vision of Melca and some registered.We decided to start the incorporation process the next day.
Next board meeting june 6,2009 and june 7; 2009 at 3 pm for the general assembly.
All members and else are encouraged to donate ;advertise the cause around and invite people to join.We'll also be grateful if you could pray for the vision.
the Director of MELCA

prochaines réunion de MELCA
le samedi 6 juin 2009 reunion des membres du bureau seulement dès 15 heures
le dimanche 7 juin 2009 réunion en assemblée générale dès 15 heures

Friday, May 1, 2009

UNICEF reports in CAMEROON...

According to reports from UNICEF, 45,000 children die of malnutrition every year in cameroon. Mercy League Cameroon would like to help out with the alarming situation.join us to Bring back hope to the hopeless...